Meet The Man With The Biggest Penis In The World

Meet The Man With The Biggest Penis In The World

Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, a Mexican citizen from Saltillo who has been dubbed as having the biggest penis in the world, has received attention from people all over the world

Joining the ranks of others who have gained fame for one distinguishing aspect of their bodies or another.

According to Mail Online, the 54-year-old guy has a massive 18.9-inch penis with flaccid reaching his knee.

Sadly, Roberto recently classified his “instrument” as a handicap because it prevents him from performing well, so this hasn’t helped. Instead, he gets his nourishment from food banks.

He claims that the government has now recognized his disability after previously rejecting his claim.

They provide him some financial aid every four months, but he claims that “it’s not enough.”

After a video of him weighing his member to confirm its genuineness went viral in 2015, he gained international attention.

His penis measured half a meter, shattering the previous unofficial record held by US actor Jonah Falcon, whose penis measured 9.5 inches while flaccid and 13.5 inches when erect.

Speaking to Barcroft TV, the individual with the enormous wealth stated: “I would like to be in the Guinness Book of Records but they don’t recognise this record.

“I am famous because I have the biggest penis in the world. I am happy with my penis, I know nobody has the size I have.

”Despite the accompanying disadvantage of his extra-large manhood, Roberto is not ready for reduction as he is obviously interested in the fame his supposed world’s biggest penis brings and as a result, he rejected medical advice from members of the medical community who urged him to at least consider a penile reduction.

Dr Jesus David Salazar-Gonzalez said:

“We have advised him ‘Roberto, the best thing for you is that the doctors give a normal shape to your penis so that it doesn’t hurt you, in order to have sexual relationships, in order to have children.’

“But he doesn’t accept it, he’d rather have a penis bigger than the rest of the people. In Latin culture, whoever has the bigger penis is more macho. It’s something that makes him different to the rest of the people and makes him feels special.

“He began with this enlargement since he was a teenager, wrapping some bands around his penis with some weights and trying to stretch it.”

The sheer size of Mr Cabrera’s penis causes him a number of health problems, including frequent urinary tract infections because not all his urine escapes his lengthy foreskin.

He also has to keep his colossal member wrapped in bandages to prevent chafing.

He is also unable to sleep chest down and has to put his penis on its own pillow to escape discomfort during the night. And an active sex life is off-limits for him as his penis has too much girth to have intercourse.

“Some people ask me if I put some condoms on it and the answer is: I cannot. I can never penetrate anyone because it is too thick.”

While living in the US, he attempted to have sex twice, but the first woman backed out as soon as she saw his penis, whereas the other one had to stop because it was too painful.

An adult entertainment company offered to pay for a reduction, but Roberto refused and says his goal is to meet the right woman – and possibly launch himself as a porn star.

He added:

“I am happy with my penis and I wish to go back to the USA and spend the rest of my life over there. I don’t feel sad because I know in the USA, there is a lot of women. One of them will be the right size for me.

“I would like to be a p*rn star and I think I would make a lot of money over there. And the people are not like over here, they are more liberal: they don’t care about what I have in my pants.”

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