Five Planets to Line Up in Sky for Unusual Space Display (Photo)

Five Planets to Line Up in Sky for Unusual Space Display (Photo)

Next week will witness the extraordinary cosmic event, so keep a look out.

Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, and Venus will line up in a narrow area of the sky on March 28 right after sunset for those who are fortunate enough to watch the show.

An astronomical alignment, which occurs when planets congregate simultaneously on the same side of the sun, is distinct from this optical event.

In the northern hemisphere last year, observers could see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn all at once.

Where to look

On March 28, it may be challenging to see five planets at once, and it will be highly location-dependent.

The only conditions that will allow you to see the display are a clear sky and a very flat western horizon.

Make sure there are no obstructions in the sky, such as trees or structures.

Binoculars should be used for observing the night sky.

To see Uranus, though, specialized equipment could be required.

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