Nkechi Blessing Blows Hot: “I Can Show My Love Life Anyhow I Freaking Want”

Nkechi Blessing Blows Hot: “I Can Show My Love Life Anyhow I Freaking Want”

In spite of critics, actress Nkechi Blessing continues to flaunt her younger partner on social media.
She claimed that she was free to display her romantic life as she pleased.

The actress has recently been under fire for dating a younger man and showing off about him on her social media page.

The actress responded by saying that she will still find happiness despite the inability of her trolls to accomplish so.

She continued by saying that those who harass her about her love interest are unhappy with their own lives since otherwise they wouldn’t have time for it.

She said,

“The fact that you can’t find happiness won’t stop me from finding…..I can show my love life anyhow I freaking want…. leave me to the fuk alone….if you are happy with your own life, IM not sure you will have time for what I choose to do with my life…face your life and let me breathe for fuk sake”.

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