I wish I could file a lawsuit against my parents and Sunday school instructors (See Why)

I wish I could file a lawsuit against my parents and Sunday school instructors (See Why)

I would file a lawsuit against my parents, the Sunday school instructors, and the church that forced a religion on me without my consent during my formative years if my parents were today very wealthy.

They destroyed my childhood; I was never able to have a typical one because I was constantly in terror and worried about going to an imagined hell for sins I had neither committed nor known about.

As a result, until they are 18 and have the ability to make a decision of their own free will, I will not permit my own children to practice any religion or have any beliefs.
I don’t oppose to anyone’s personal preferences.

African parents should quit indoctrinating their children.
The practice of teaching a child a set of beliefs, values, and ideas—often of a religious nature—in a way that discourages questioning or critical thinking is known as “child indoctrination.”

This may result in the youngster accepting these views without question or fully comprehending their ramifications, which may hinder their capacity to make thoughtful judgments about their own beliefs and values as they mature.

Child indoctrination, in my opinion, violates a child’s freedom to decide for themselves and create their own opinions without outside influence.

What does sin and hell fire have to do with a 5-year-old child?

The majority of us were subjected to this.
It needs to end.

Acceptable or Unacceptable?

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3 thoughts on “I wish I could file a lawsuit against my parents and Sunday school instructors (See Why)”

  1. The Bible says, Train up a child the way he should go, so that when he grows, he will not depart from it.
    If our parents hadn’t trained most of us in the way of the Lord, many of us would have gone astray by now.

  2. Hmmmmmmmm I accepted what the guy said,actually I came from a Christian home n my mom isn’t bothered either I wish to be a Muslim nor a Christian. That’s how it should be


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